First International Workshop on Conference Submission Systems
Enschede, The Netherlands 31 December 1999 IWCSS
Phase 1 - Abstract Submission - Explanation
Scientific activities involve not only the development of new ideas, but also presentations at conferences and other scientific events where specialists gather. A successful presentation can attract the attention of the scientific community, which will be an important contribution to the professional development of the speaker. In order to convey your thoughts to the audience as clearly as possible, it is necessary to properly prepare conference abstracts. Theses are brief statements reflecting the main thoughts that a scientific work, less often a term paper or thesis of a student broadcasts. Their competent writing, taking into account the basic requirements, helps the speaker: Disclose the essence of his work as fully as possible, justify its importance and uniqueness.
To interest the audience. Attract possible investors, in case of practical results. To present oneself as a serious and promising scientist. To fulfill these points, the author should present only a brief summary with maximum persuasiveness in his presentation and published abstracts. It is important to remember that the time allocated to one conference participant's presentation is limited to approximately 10-15 minutes. The essence of the work performed should be disclosed. Through a brief presentation, the general public should be introduced to the main ideas and purpose of the work, as well as the research methods and the results obtained. Abstracts may differ in the following parameters: Published alone or with a co-author. It is important in this case to highlight the contribution of each scientist in the overall result. According to the form of implementation - in absentia (in the form of publication without presentation) or with presentation. By content.
Can include only the statement of the problem, or present the result of the study, or reflect the introduction of new techniques. Structure of abstracts for the conference The structure of the text may include the following elements: Introduction, which reflects the relevance of the research. A statement of purpose and objectives. A brief review of the literature and existing methods can be presented. Description of individual works on a problem or disclosure of own vision. Presentation of calculations or evidence base. Probable ways of development of the problem in the future, and outline the probable prospects of research. Conclusions. Evaluation of the results. This may also include an assessment of the inaccuracy of the calculations and results. Inaccuracies in the methodology used and ways to eliminate them.
In case of problems with the electronic submission, please contact the systems' manager, Richard van de Stadt, at .
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