First International Workshop on Conference Submission Systems
Enschede, The Netherlands 31 December 1999 IWCSS
Phase 2 - Paper Submission - Explanation
Requirements for the design of abstracts
In addition to the structure, you need the correct design, which is largely similar to the design of the article. The more solid collection, which will be printed materials, the more items in the design should be observed:
Type of font - Times New Roman.
Keg type - only 12 or 14 (depending on the requirements of a particular collection).
Interval - 1 or 1.5.
At the beginning of the thesis information is given not only about the title, but also about the author (co-authors). Here should be specified, in addition to full name, place of work or study, city and country. Contact information (e-mail and telephone number) is also required.
The abstract is written quite rarely (unlike articles).
By the way, before submitting the material for publication, it is necessary to check the result with the requirements of each publication and each university that carries out the publication.
6 tips for writing conference abstracts
When getting started on your writing, you need to make a clear plan on these points:
Articulate the purpose of the research and the final result to be obtained in the output.
Formulate a title. It is important that it resonates with the topic of the thesis (its particular chapter) or diploma. There is a tacit requirement of dissertation councils when the whole set of publications should reflect the main sections of the dissertation - the so-called research approbation.
Particular attention should be paid to conclusions and results. They should be unique.
Follow the logicality and consistency of the material presented. Try to anticipate possible questions from the audience.
Write a text and check it on several parameters - literacy, originality, compliance with the requirements of the publication.
Make sure that all co-authors are familiar with and agree with the text of the thesis.
In case of problems with the electronic submission, please contact the systems' manager, Richard van de Stadt, at .
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