First International Workshop on Conference Submission Systems
Enschede, The Netherlands 31 December 1999 IWCSS
Phase 3 - Camera Ready Paper Submission - Explanation
It is every scientist's dream to participate in a scientific conference. After all, it is an opportunity to show your work, to express your personal opinion, in general, to make sure that you are noticed. That's why the speakers will definitely benefit from advice and recommendations on how to write and prepare the thesis for the speech. About this we will talk today.
Abstracts for a conference: a concept
Preparation for the presentation at a scientific conference implies the process of collecting the most important, related and coherent provisions of the work with basic evidence and justification.
Abstracts are the main points of the research, formulated in a concise form. With their help you can reveal the essence of the work, give a summary, to introduce the main ideas and the results of the work.
Requirements for the design of abstracts for the conference are similar to writing a report for the defense speech of the diploma. The volume of this work does not exceed 2-3 pages.
Classification of abstracts
Theses can differ in some ways and come in the following types:
By the authorship of the scientific work itself. When compiling an abstract, your own research or publications of other authors can be used. If a scientist presents his work, it is assumed that during the study of the issue he acquired a clear understanding of the topic. This means that the main thing here is to clearly and concisely portray the problem to the audience. In the second case, the speaker studies the scientific work, highlighting its essence and main points.
By place of presentation. It means that while preparing the thesis it is important to take into account where it will be presented: seminar, international scientific conference, etc.
On the form of presentation. This point depends on the previous one. For example, the theses for an extramural scientific conference will be distinguished by brevity, restraint, informative. At the same time in speech with a presentation is allowed a small lyrical digression, and even a joke.
On the order of writing. It is meant that abstracts can be compiled before writing the article itself, or according to an already made publication. The first option is the most popular. Usually scientists present a brief material and then use it for publication. But there is a difficulty: in such cases, the topic has not yet been studied thoroughly, so you should be more careful in the preparation.
By main content. This classification is made on the basis of what is the purpose of the text: statement of the problem, description of a new methodology, research results, and so on.
By complexity. There are simple, average and complex theses. The first reveal the main problem. The content of the second put important ideas and research. The third - complex - consist of simple and average and maximally fully reveal the essence of scientific work.
According to the style of presentation, there are normative and verbose theses. In the first preference is given to naming constructions. The latter are characterized by a large number of verbal predicates and look like a brief scientific description.
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